Jordan Miller

Highly adaptable full stack engineer with a passion for developing fast and scalable web applications.


Track Status feature gif example
Tech Stack:

React, Redux, NodeJS/Express, PostgreSQL

Description: Quackhire is building tools to make job hunting more efficient

  • Handling all business tasks including company formation, hiring/managing contractors, bookkeeping, and taxes
  • Negotiated and rejected an acquisition offer from an experienced investor
  • Developing a Chrome extension to add functionality to major websites such as Linkedin and Indeed
  • Developing a scalable NodeJS/Express backend with a PostgreSQL database. Deployed to AWS using Elastic Beanstalk, RDS, Cognito, Lambda, SES, and CloudWatch
  • Developed error logging/reporting middleware and automated testing
  • Developing an accessible and responsive frontend website using ReactJS and Redux. Deployed to AWS using Amplify, Route53, and S3

Dev Desk

Tech Stack:

React, Redux, NodeJS/Express, PostgreSQL, Slack API

Description: React-based web application that allows users to open tickets and ask questions related to programming. Users can upload images and videos to help ask or answer questions, and responses are shown in organized threads. Includes an integrated Slack bot that allows users to easily see, open, and answer tickets from Slack.

  • Lead three junior frontend developers to build a frontend website while designing data flow with a backend developer
  • Presented the project to 900 students
  • Produced a REST API with 40+ endpoints using Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL, and modeled database schema/migrations using Knex.js for users, tickets, comments, and replies.
  • Combined JSON Web Tokens and Bcrypt to authenticate users and hash passwords.
  • Defined endpoints allowing users to simultaneously upload images/videos with Express-fileupload and Cloudinary.
  • Integrated Slack API to create a bot that allows users to easily see, open, and answer tickets from Slack.
  • Continued working with the backend developer for another two months to refine our vision for the project


Tech Stack:

NodeJS, Private Internet Access CLI

Description: This tool is a NodeJS script that executes command line arguments for PIA VPN. Developed to solve unique issues for Quackhire

  • Allows constant anonymity of web traffic
  • Log in and verify connection to PIA VPN
  • Change VPN region/servers on custom triggers
  • Integrates with other scripts that run on Raspberry Pi to supplement Quackhire production code


Tech Stack:

C#, XNA, Monogame

Description: Video game project created with C# and XNA

  • Implemented sprite animations, sorting algorithms, and branching paths
  • A* path-finding with custom tile weights
  • Level editor to allow user generated content

© Jordan Miller 2020
Developed using Gatsby. Hosted on Vercel.